We are a group of scientists that love to explore the unknowning, ever-changing reality we are all in. And we want to share our findings with you all, too.
We are a group, mixed of people from the middle of nowhere, and places that are... well, somewhere else more known. (Anywhere... but the middle of nowhere, that's for sure...) You can see *most* of us in the following image below. (Some of us are unable to join in on this photo, but they did electronically. You just can't see them. They say hi.) The main lead is G███████ ██████████. She is responsible for, not only being the team leader, but also responsible for the research, AND the website. Yes, honey, that's me! :D

(For anyone's information, none of them were expecting me to take a picture of us. Or, at least two of us. (Maybe three if you count me.)
Our team consists of 8 people: 5 from the middle of nowhere, 4 from separate parts of Yelminstradt. (That's what they gave me, but that's enough for me. :))

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